NB: I've been busy during law school! This bio is a bit out-of-date.

Hello! I'm a full-stack engineer with a focus on cybersecurity. I'm a fairly sociable, well-rounded guy, and I like to approach problems from many perspectives. Feel free to check out my resume.

From a technical perspective, I'm fairly fluent with x86 Assembly, C, C++, Java, JS, HTML, CSS, SCSS/SASS, PHP, and R. I have experience with Python, Linux, Apache, Nginx, SQL, Django, jQuery, Bash, Git, Subversion, Stata, MATLAB, LaTeX, and Econometrics. I have a working knowledge of AWS, Rust, Metasploit, Node.js, Windows NT, D3, and GIS. And finally, I hold the Certified Ethical Hacker and Network+ industry certifications.